Wednesday, November 26, 2008

On the national government

One of the accusations against Barack Obama is the proposition that all he is pedaling is socialist theories, saying that this is not the "change" this country needs. An impending economic recession and dangerous auto industry bankruptcy teetering on the brink of devastation is not a thought that anyone wants to think. Still, the direction our country heads in will soon be placed in the hands of the president elect.
Is he a power hungry leader, elected out of popularity and personality with no real substance? Many conservatives seem to think so, but only time will tell how his promises and plans turn out. The recently proposed economic bail out screams socialism to many, but is it just a buzz word used to accuse and stir up negativity when there is seemingly no other option? Perhaps those who speak of Obama in only fear are paranoid and will be proven wrong.
There is a possibility that Obama prove to be more moderate in his upcoming years as president. Signs point towards a more powerful national government, but regulation in the case of the economic bail out is necessary to jump start the economy and lead towards improvement. At this point, it is hard to determine the outcome of a bail out that many claim to be merely more fuel for an already failed industry that needs rethinking. The outcome and status of a newly structured government lies solely in the hands of the president elect.